Accounts Payable Voucher/Payment Status

AP Voucher

   Status: apsvendorinv.apvistatus

        Open = O

        Paid = P

        Partial = T

   Source: apsvendorinv.apvisource

        Regular Invoice = M

        Pre-Payment = Y

        ? = B

        ? = C

   Type: apsvendorinv.apvirectype

        Other = O

        PO = P

        WO = W

        Direct = D

        RGA = R


AP Payment

   Status: apspayment.apsstatus

        Paid = D

        Pending = P

        Void = V

        Cancelled? = N (If check printing is cancelled in the manual payment and if check printing fails? in the batch payment)

        New = N (for batch payment, moving an invoice from one batch to another)


   Status: apsinvpaymntx.apipstatus

        Paid = D

        Pending = P

        Void = V

        Cancelled? = N (If check printing is cancelled in the manual payment and if check printing fails? in the batch payment)


   Source: apspayment.apssource

        Manual = M

        Batch = S


   Status: apsppmntlog.apslgstatus

        ? = F

        Paid = D

        Void = V