Ship Release Orders
The Ship Release function is used when an Order has been completed and is ready for Invoicing. The Ship Release process does not Invoice an Order, is just makes it available within the Create Invoice screen.
Access the Logistics module.
Click Logistics Maintenance.
In the Filter section at the top of the screen, specify a Ship Date.
Optionally, use the other options to select a range of Ship Dates using the From/To fields, or search by a Customer.
Click Retrieve.
Select one or more Orders by clicking the row in the grid.
Multiple orders can be selected by using the Control or Shift keys on your keyboard. See Grid Multi-Select for tips.
Click Ship Release.
Orders that are highlighted in red mean that there is a problem with pricing. You will not be able to Ship Release an order that does not have a price on all lines. You will need to access the Customer Order screen to resolve before performing a Ship Release on the order.