Sending Tasks & Editing Details

Sending Tasks & Editing Details

he Task Details screen is accessible from the “edit details” link in the Task Activities screen.

You can also enter this screen for existing Tasks by rolling over the rows in the Tasks Listing screen and clicking the “edit details” option.

Looking around the Edit screen, on the left you will see the same fields from the Add New screen.

These fields work the same way as in the New Task screen, though once you send the Task these fields will not be editable.  

On the right you will see publishing options, status information and a version history.


The Send button will send the Task to the assigned app user. 

  • You cannot send a Task until you specify one or more Activities for the Task.

  • Once you send a Task, the Task fields will be locked and no longer editable – though this may change in future versions.


The Delete button is always available and allows you to remove a Task at any time.  

  • This will permanently delete the Task and its Activities, so take care when doing so.