Commit Batch To ERP
The final step for a staging record in a purchase order schedule batch is committing it to ERP. This process occurs only after the batch has updated the staging record to Receive_Completed, indicating that it has updated the record with transaction results from Repete (see: todo).
The process selects the batch's staging records (PurchaseOrderSchedule_Stage) with the folliwng criteria:
Have been received (Receive_Completed = true)
Are marked by the user to be included in the process (IncludeInBatch = true)
Have not been committed already (Commit_Completed = false)
It then groups these records by purchase order number and received delivery date. Each distinct grouping results in a new PO receipt. It's possible for one receipt to include multiple inventory records. The table updates and mappings are described below in Updates.
Aeros ERP have a user with the user ID SYSTEM_AAI
The process must be able to generate a receiver number using the same process as ERP. If it cannot do so, the update fails
The target purchase order must exist
Aeros ERP must have a division with the batch's division code.
Aeros ERP must have an accounting period for the target delivery date
Aeros ERP must have a purchase order line that corresponds to the staging record's purchase order line ID.
Aeros ERP must have an itemmaster record that corresponds to the staging record's item master
The Aeros ERP division must be configured with a validation default location.
Successful Completion
If a stage record is processed successfully and results in an inventory record, these fields are updated. After which, the staging record cannot be committed again
PurchaseOrderSchedule_Stage.Commit_Completed = true
PurchaseOrderSchedule_Stage.Commit_Date = current date and time
Scheduled Process
The Aeros Service endpoint for the commit process will do the following
Find all batches with staging records that have been received but not yet committed
Execute the commit process for each of these batches
The commit process creates an Aeros ERP purchase order receipt. This consists of
Table | Action | Description |
InvRecvr | Insert | For every grouping, the process creates a new receiver header |
Inventory | Insert | Each processed staging record results in an inventory record |
xrefPODelivery | Insert | Association table between the newly created inventory record and the scheduled delivery record from which it was created. If a staging record has a scheduled delivery ID, the commit process creates a record in this table |
InvAudit | Insert | The commit process does not create this record directly. Rather, it's created through the inventory table insert trigger. |
PODelSched | Update | Set the status to completed (C) on the original scheduled delivery |
POLine | Update | Set the status to completed (C) on the original purchase order line when all deliveries are complete. |
POPurOrd | Update | Set the purchase order status to complated (postatus=C) when all lines have been completed. |
Field | Source |
acctgprdseqno | AccountingPeriod.AcctgPrdSeqno |
brokerseqno | 0 |
cnsgnmnt_flag | "0" |
cocd | POPurOrd.cocd |
contractno | POPurOrd.contractno |
createuserid | UserID |
dfltloctnid | DivisionDefaultLocation |
directctlno | "0" |
divcd | POPurOrd.divcd |
editrans_flag | "0" |
fin_flag | "O" |
FreightAmount | POPurOrd.FreightAmount |
FreightDistribution | POPurOrd.FreightDistribution |
inrec_flag | "0" |
inrecseqno | 0 |
intrans_flag | "0" |
lcapplseqno | 0 |
lcrsrvdamt | 0 |
oob_flag | "1" |
origacctgprdseqno | 0 |
polcpymntseqno | 0 |
poseqno | POPurOrd.POSeqNo |
print_flag | "1" |
recptdt | Current date/time |
recvrdt | Current date/time |
recvrno | Generated by calling ERP stored procedure sp_fab_get_temp_from_divctl |
recvrtype | "P" |
rgaauth_flag | "0" |
rgaauthdt | Current date/time |
rgaauthnounits | 0 |
rgaauthqty | 0 |
rgarecvd_flag | "0" |
ShipperSeqNo | POPurOrd.ShipperSeqNo |
shipqty | 0 |
shipviaseqno | 0 |
status | "O" |
supplrseqno | POPurOrd.supplierseqno |
tempcntrlno | POPurOrd.purordno.ToString() |
tempinvno | 0 |
totchgamt | 0 |
totintransitallocdqty | 0 |
totintransitqty | 0 |
totintransitunits | 0 |
totinvoicedamt | 0 |
totinvoicedfrtamt | 0 |
totinvoicedqty | 0 |
totinvoicedunit | 0 |
totlcpayamt | 0 |
totmdseamt | 0 |
totposhipamt | 0 |
totrecvdqty | Total received from all inventory records |
transfer_addon_cost | 0 |
user_cpu_key | User ID + Web server machine name |
userid | SYSTEM_AAI |
vinvntyqty | 0 |
vinvtotchgamt | 0 |
vinvtotunits | 0 |
vinvtotwght | 0 |
vmdseamt | 0 |
woseqno | 0 |
xfermemoseqno | 0 |
Field | Source |
alloordlineseqno | 0 |
allowoseqno | 0 |
altqty | 0 |
billhold_flag | "0" |
billrls_flag | "0" |
blrlsseqno | 0 |
cnsgmnt_flag | "0" |
cocd | InvRecvr.cocd |
crapprvlseqno | 0 |
custseqno | 0 |
defectcat | "0" |
dispacctgprd | 0 |
disptype | "0" |
divcd | InvRecvr.divcd |
dtf_flag | "0" |
fmtcd | POLine.fmtcd |
FreightPerLine | PurchaseSchedule_Stage.Receive_DeliveryQuantity * POLine.unitcst |
FreightPerUnit | inventory.FreightPerLine / inventory.wght |
hig_flag | "0" |
higunitseqno | 0 |
iavailcd | 0 |
icporecseqno | 0 |
icsporecseqno | 0 |
icsrecacctgprdseqno | 0 |
icsrecskuseqno | 0 |
ilineseqno | 0 |
inseqno | 0 |
intrans_flag | "0" |
intransfer_flag | "0" |
invclscd | ItemMaster.invclscd |
invsource | "P-" + PurchaseSchedule_Stage.PurchaseOrderNumber |
IsFirmPrice | POLine.IsFirmPrice |
isortseq | 1 |
ispectype | 1 |
istatus | 1 |
itemcd | ItemMaster.itemcd |
itemuofmcd | ItemMaster.uofmcd |
itrancd | 110 |
itype | 1 |
iubnhrlsseqno | 0 |
iwiinputseqno | 0 |
iwoseqno | 0 |
lcapplseqno | 0 |
loctnlocid |
merchcst | POLine.unitcst.Value |
merge | " " |
mowrefno | refNo |
ordshiptoseqno | 0 |
origqty | PurchaseSchedule_Stage.Receive_DeliveryQuantity |
origunitno | 0 |
overflowbin |
pcs | 1 |
poaddtnlcst | 0 |
poallo_flag | "0" |
polineseqno | POLine.POLineSeqNo |
polineuofmcd | POLine.uofmcd |
poorigqty | inventory.origqty |
poseqno | PurchaseSchedule_Stage.PurchaseOrderID |
poshipmentseqno | 0 |
poshipmentseqno | POShipment.POShipmentSeqNo |
prebilled_flag | "0" |
procsscst | 0 |
received_flag | "0" |
recmerchcst | 0 |
recon_flag | "0" |
recothercst | 0 |
recprcsscst | 0 |
recptacctgprd | InvRecvr.acctgprdseqno |
recunitadjamt | 0 |
recvddt | PurchaseSchedule_Stage.Receive_DeliveryDate.Value |
refno | refNo |
release_bnhqty | 0 |
release_bnhwght | 0 |
removed_flag | "0" |
repack_flag | "0" |
reusable_flag | "0" |
RowCreateDate | Current date/time |
RowModifyDate | Current date/time |
rsrvdordineseqno | 0 |
shiporderprint_flag | "0" |
shiprls_flag | "0" |
shpmntrack_flag | "0" |
sku2 | POLine.sku2 |
sku3 | POLine.sku3 |
sku4 | POLine.sku4 |
sku5 | POLine.sku5 |
skucode | TODO |
splitrpt_flag | "0" |
subitemattached_flag | "0" |
supplbnh_flag | "0" |
supplrseqno | PurchaseSchedule_Stage.VendorID |
totaccumcstamt | 0 |
totbeamwght | 0 |
totends | 0 |
totusedqty | 0.0m |
trancd | 122 |
userid | SYSTEM_AAI |
vendoritemno | POLine.vendoritemno |
wght | TODO |
wonseqno | 0 |
wrhsebinid | Default bin code |
xferunitseqno | 0 |