Report Tester
Set Dates
Set the dates you want to run the data for like you would when setting dates for a report.
Under Parms, you can set your parameters. Groups, Types, Intervals and Other.
This will allow you to set which flocks you will run the report harness for.
You can put the flock code in the Group Code section and it will pull up any flocks matching that code. Then you double click the arrow on the right side of the record to include it in the report tester results.
Here is where you will select the dataset you want to run.
This is where you will select whether the report harness should populate data by the Period, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Annually.
Any other Parameters or special parameters needed for specific datasets such as settlement batch id can be set here
All the calculations that exist in the dataset selected in Types are located in the left window. You can multi-select different calculations.
Run Test
Selecting Run Test, will populate the data. This is the results you would see in a report.