You can manage houses on a farm in the AeLive application through the House screen. To do so, navigate to the house screen by clicking Facility Management. From there, select a farm the house belongs to.After selecting the farm, either add a new house by clicking the Add House button on the top ribbon bar menu or right clicking the Farm and selecting Add a New House, from the context menu. The house screen will be displayed as shown below. Then enter or edit the following fields:
- House Code. The code of the house. The House Code must be unique within the same Farm. User should check the system settings for house codes because they determine how code validation should work.
- House Description. The description of the house.
- Status. The current status of the house. The current selections are Active or Inactive. This field will default to the system default of Active.
- Contract. Sets the contract defaults. (see screen shot below for the contract defaults for house.) The house contract defaults to the selected farm contract. Changes can be made after selecting a contract. House contracts can be set by navigating to System, selecting contract from the Systems menu and selecting the Houses tab.
- Industry Type. The appropriate Industry Type for the House. For more information on Industries, please see Industries and Industry types.
- House Type. The type of the house. House Types can be set up by navigating to System, selecting System Settings and the System Types tab.
- Feed Schedule Configuration. Select a feed schedule configuration from the drop down list. Feed Schedule configurations can be set up by navigating to Feed Management, selecting Feed Scheduling and Feed Schedule Configurations.
- Sq. Feet. Square feet of the house.
- Animal Capacity. How many animals the house can hold.
- Tiers. The amount of tiers or levels for the house.
- Year Built. The year the house was built.
- Down Time. The amount of down time between animal groups in house. This is the number of days needed to service the house between animal groups.
- Down Time UOM. In this field, select the unit of measure used to set the amount of down time between animal groups in house.
- Grouping Code. This is a free form field used for reporting purposes
- Feed Delivered by Bin? Select Yes, if you would like Feed delivered by Bin for this house.
- Ending Inventory by Bin? Select Yes, if you would like the ending feed inventory to be by bin for this house
To save your changes click the Add button if you are adding a new house, or click the Save button if you are editing an existing house.
Feed Bins
You can add feed bins to the house. Click on the Feed Bins tab (2) as shown below. To add a new feed bin the user will click on a new empty row on the bottom of the grid and fill in the appropriate data:
- Bin Code. The code of the bin.
- Bin Type. The type of bin. This list is provided by what the user has entered in the Bin Type management screen under the System navigation button on the left menu pane.
- Override Capacity. Enables the user to override the selected bin type’s total capacity value for this bin.
- Total Capacity. The total capacity of the bin based on the bin type. This is a read only field.
- Unit of Measure. The unit of measure for the capacity. This is a read only field.
- Sex. Select a sex if the bin will be used to feed a certain sex of the group.
If there are invalid data or the required fields aren’t entered, the grid will display validations on each field that need to be addressed.
To view the validation message, hover over the X on the field. If the field is not validated the user will not be able to save the data not only on the grid, but any data on the management screen. The user will also not be able to do anything else such as close the screen or open a new screen until the issue is resolved.
To cancel a new record, the user will hit the Esc key. To delete a record, the user will select the whole row and hit the Deletebutton on the keyboard. This will bring up a confirmation prompt before deleting.
To save your changes click the Add button if you are adding a new house, or click the Save button if you are editing an existing house.
You can add Equipment to the house. Click on the Equipment tab (3) as shown below. To add a new Equipment Type the user will click on a new empty row on the bottom of the grid and fill in the appropriate data:
- Type. The Equipment Type. Equipment Types can be set up by navigating to systems and selecting Equipment from the Systems Menu.
- Code. The Equipment Code. Equipment Code can be set up by navigating to systems and selecting Equipment from the Systems Menu.
- Quantity. The quantity of the Equipment Type in the house.
- Start Date. The date the equipment was placed in house.
- End Date. The date the equipment was discontinued in use
- Comment. Allows you to include notes for each equipment type.
If there are invalid data or the required fields aren’t entered, the grid will display validations on each field that need to be addressed.
To view the validation message, hover over the X on the field. If the field is not validated the user will not be able to save the data not only on the grid, but any data on the management screen. The user will also not be able to do anything else such as close the screen or open a new screen until the issue is resolved.
To cancel a new record, the user will hit the Esc key. To delete a record, the user will select the whole row and hit the Deletebutton on the keyboard. This will bring up a confirmation prompt before deleting.
To save your changes click the Add button if you are adding a new house, or click the Save button if you are editing an existing house.
Table Adjustments
You can adjust your tables per house. Click on the Table Adjustments tab (4) as shown below. Select a listed Table on the left. To add an adjustment, right click and select Add Adjustment. You can also Edit, View Details or Delete an Adjustment.
- Group. Allows you to group adjustments with any others.
- Code. The code that applies to the adjustment.
- Description. Describes the applied adjustment.
- Smallest Adjustments. Lists the smallest adjustment applied.
- Largest Adjustments. Lists the largest adjustment applied.
System Table adjustments can be set up by navigating to systems and selecting System Tables, rolling over the selected Table and selecting adjustments. For more information on System Tables and Table Adjustments, please see System Tables.
To save your changes click the Add button if you are adding a new house, or click the Save button if you are editing an existing house.
Down Time
The Down Time tab allows you to track your down time when a house is made unavailable for a particular date range. Click on the Down Time tab (5) as shown below.
- Start Date. The start date for the down times for this house.
- End Date. The end date for the down times for this house.
- Comment. Allows you to include notes for each down time.
To save, click on the Save button to save changes if editing a house. The Save button will only be enabled if a change is made on the form. If adding a new house, the Add button will be displayed instead of the Save button.
To Edit or delete a house, right click on a house in the Facility Management Tree and select “Edit This House”. (You can also select the house and then click the “Edit Selected” button.)
The house can then be edited and changes saved. If the House needs to be deleted, do so by clicking the Delete button on the form.
If you accidentally delete a House, contact your system administrator