The contract setup is a very important section in Aeros LIVE. Here, users will set up various contracts, and when those contracts are applied to a Farm or Flock, the default settings are applied when a new House or Flock is added to the software.
Contracts should be thought of as flock defaults. Whatever you set on the contract, once a contract is applied or reloaded to a flock, the information in the contract will flow to the flock. Creating multiple contracts for all your different types of flocks helps to make creating flocks faster and simpler.
System → Contracts
Code: Create a code that corresponds to the Contract. This code must be unique.
- Description: The description of the contract.
- Status: Whether the contract is currently active or inactive. This field will default to the system default of active. Required
- Type: Sets the type of birds or eggs the Contracts are associated with.
- Industry Type: Sets the Industry Types the Contracts are associated with. Required
- Sex. The sex of the flock. Unspecified if mixed.
Relations: Sets the Company/Divisions the Contracts are associated with.
Flock Settings
- Type. Sets what type of flock this contract is.
- Program. The type of program this contract is.
- Market Age. The age of the bird at the time of live haul (broiler)
- Age Units. The unit of measure in which the age is recorded, days or weeks. Required if placement Age and Sell Age is set.
- Targeted Weight Min. The minimum target weight of the flock. (broiler)
- Targeted Weight Max. The maximum target weight of the flock. (broiler)
- Projection Config. The projection configuration that the flock will use while creating projections.
- Sell Age. The age of the flock at the projected sell date.
- Placement Age. The age of the flock at placement.
- Female Breed. The breed of the female flock.
- Male Breed. The breed of the male flock.
- Targeted Weight Units. The unit of measure for the targeted weight.
- Sales Person. The sales person assigned to the flock.
- Feed Profile. The feed profile that the flock will use in the feed scheduling process.
Feed Settings
- Feed Profile. The feed profile that should be applied to the flock for feed planning or scheduling.
- Additive Program. The additive program the flock will utilize for the feed plan.
- Veterinarian. The veterinarian assigned to the flock.
Feed Delivery Expense Codes
- Formula Expense Code. Set up your Formula expense codes that associate with this contract. Expense Codes can be set up in Expense Settings in the System section. Required on Flock
- Meds Expense Code. Set up your Meds expense codes that associate with this contract.
Milling Expense Code. Set up your Milling expense codes that associate with this contract.
- Delivery Expense Code. Set up your Delivery expense codes that associate with this contract.
Payments and Settlements
- Payment Configuration. The payment configuration that the flock will use in the payment process.
- Settlement Configuration. The Settlement configuration that the flock will use in the settlement process.
- Settle Pay Grouping. A settlement config can have different pay grouping for different pay categories. Assign the pay grouping the flock will be paid off of.
Production (Layer Farms)
- Capitalize Cycle 1 Expenses to: Indicates whether the contract should capitalize expenses and what capitalization code is utilized.
- Capitalize at Age: Sets at what age does the flock need to be capitalized at for this contract. All Layer flocks should have a Cap Age, this setting will determine at what age a flock is officially in cycle 1. Even though the age at cap should be entered, it is not required to check the box to capitalize expenses.
Capitalize on the Date of the Transfer: Capitalize flocks associated with this contract on the date of transfer.
- Capitalize Molt Cycles: Indicates whether contract capitalizes on Molt Cycles.
- Cycle 2: Sets up what capitalization code is used for the second Cycle.
- Cycle 3: Sets up what capitalization code is used for the third Cycle.
- Round Capitalization dates to a week-ending date. Select if you would like to round your capitalization dates to a specified week-ending date based off your calendars.
- Calendar. Select the calendar you would like to use to set up your weekend dates.
- Rounding Rule. Set your rounding rule, to select how a date is rounded to your weekend dates used in your selected calendar.
Egg Production Units: Sets up Egg Production Unit of Measure for the contract.
- Egg Shipment Units: Sets up Egg Shipment Unit of Measure for the contract.
- Egg Inventory Units: Sets up Egg Inventory Unit of Measure for the contract.
- Default Egg Type. The default Egg Type associated with the contract. Egg Types can be set up in the System Types tab within System Settings.
Molt Defaults
- Unit of Measure: Sets Molt Default Unit of Measure for the contracts.
- Molt 1: The average age for the first molt to start and the length of the first molt. An optional value to start the first molt when the actual percent hen day production falls below value.
- Molt 2: The average age for the second molt to start and the length of the second molt. An optional value to start the second molt when the actual percent hen day production falls below value.
- Animal Capacity. The animal capacity of the house under the contract.
- Capacity Units. The capacity unit of measure of the house under the contract.
- Down Time. The amount of time the house is down between flocks going in and out of the house.
- Down Time in Units. The unit of measure for down time.
- Feed Schedule Configuration. The feed scheduling configuration that will be applied to the house in the feed scheduling process.
- Feed Plan Configuration. The feed plan configuration that will be applied to the house in the feed scheduling process.
You can assign your standard tables to your contract, which will save users time it setting up their flocks. More information on Assigning System Tables to Contracts
System Tables. The system tables applied to the flock. These tables will be used as standards on reports and for projecting flock performance.
- Adjustments. The system table adjustments applied to the flock. These adjustments will modify the system table values for reports and for projecting flock performance.
Initial Inventory Amount.
- Cycle 1 Female. The female depreciation rule for the flock firsts production cycle. If the flock's sex is unspecified the rule applied to Cycle 1 Female will be used.
- Cycle 2 Female. The female depreciation rule for the flock second production cycle. If the flock's sex is unspecified the rule applied to Cycle 2 Female will be used.
- Cycle 3 Female. The female depreciation rule for the flock third production cycle. If the flock's sex is unspecified the rule applied to Cycle 3 Female will be used.
Cycle 1 male. The male depreciation rule for the flock firsts production cycle.
- Cycle 2 male. The male depreciation rule for the flock second production cycle.
- Cycle 3 male. The male depreciation rule for the flock third production cycle.
Set up system tables to be used for projection reports. If no projection tables are set up the system will utilize the standard tables.
Flock Attributes
If Attributes have been defined, you can set defaults for those attributes on the contract. See Flock Attributes for more information on how to set these up.
Save Button
Once you have created a contract or have modified a contract and have clicked the save button, a notification will pop up asking if you would like to push the contract updates to the flock. If you select no, the contract form will save and you can close the form. If you select yes, another form will pop up allowing you to select specific flocks/houses that should receive the reload to the contract. The form only lists Active Flocks that has the selected contracted assigned to them.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: If you Accept the push to the farms and flocks, the contract will reload on the flock. Any overwrites applied to the flock previously will be lost and all the contracts fields that are set will be applied to the flock.
From here you can choose to cancel the push by selecting cancel and the contract form will continue with its save without pushing the flock contract reload.