- Line #: The line
. You can create a new template by typing in the new template name.
- Item #: Enter the item code that you would like to be included on the order/invoice.
- Description: the description is a displayed field.
- Quantity: Enter a default quantity or just leave it blank.
- U/M: Enter the unit of measure. For example: DZ, CS, BG, etc...
- Include: Check the checkbox if you want to include this item on the order.
- Active Date: Set a date when this item will be active on this template.
- Inactive Date: Set a date when this item will be inactive on this template.
- Comments: Set a default comment that the system will automatically pull into the order on the order line for this item.
- Pricing Method: There are 3 types of pricing method: Market, Fixed, Price Basis.
- Basis Code:
- Formula: This field is only apply to the Market pricing method. You will need to select a formula that will let the system know which daily Market price to use and when to apply it. The formulas are set up in the Market Formula.
- Region: This field is only apply to the Market pricing method. Enter a Market Region for this item.
- Source: This field is only apply to the Market pricing method. Enter the Market Source for this item.
- Type: This field is only apply to the Market pricing method. Enter the Market Type for this item.
- Spread:
. You can create a new template or search for existing customer location templates.
- Amount Differential:
. You can create a new template or search for existing company templates.
- Percent Differential:
. You can create a new template or search for existing division templates.
- Percent First:
. You can create or search for template(s) for a date or a range of dates
- Round:
. You can create or search for template(s) by day of week - Sunday, Monday, etc...
- Ceiling Price:
. You can create or search template(s) by Order Date, Ship Date, or Delivery Date.
- Floor Price:
. You can create or search template(s) by Template type category - Order, Invoice, or Both.
- Alt. UOM:
. If this checkbox is check, it means this template is restricted, and the user cannot add any items that are not setup in this template when creating a new customer order.
- Alt. Basis:
. If this checkbox is checked, the system will automatically load this template when creating a new customer order.
- Pricing Comment:
. You can create a new template or search for existing division templates.
- Return Item:
. You can create or search for template(s) for a date or a range of dates
- Reclass:
. You can create or search for template(s) by day of week - Sunday, Monday, etc...
- Age:
. You can create or search template(s) by Order Date, Ship Date, or Delivery Date.
- Inventory Location:
. You can create or search template(s) by Template type category - Order, Invoice, or Both.
- Freight Cost:
. If this checkbox is check, it means this template is restricted, and the user cannot add any items that are not setup in this template when creating a new customer order.
- Customer Item:
. If this checkbox is checked, the system will automatically load this template when creating a new customer order.