Use the System Settings screen to edit the systems Mail Server configurations. This function is used for the emailing of Reports, Requisitions, and other functions.
Note: The Scheduler Service must also be installed on the application server for emailing to work.
- None
Step-by-Step Guide
- Access the Master module.
- Click System Settings.
- Click the E-Mail tab.
- Check the Enable box.
- Specify an SMTP Server address. For example:
- Specify an SMTP Port value. For example: 25
- Optional: Specify the SMTP User & Password values if required by your mail server.
- Click Save.
Known Bug: When saving, you may receive an error message to set the Last Item Number. If so, click the Item Master tab, specify a value of "0" in the Last Item Number field. Then click Save.
SQL to Enable E-Mails from Scheduler
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Schedule] ON;
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Schedule]([ScheduleID], [TaskTypeID], [ScheduleDesc], [ExecuteTime], [IntervalTypeID], [IntervalUnits], [IsRecurring], [IsDeleted], [IsDisabled], [RowCreateDate], [RowModifyDate], [RowVersion], [TaskID]) SELECT 1, 1, N'Send E-Mail', '20110922 10:42:00.000', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '20110922 09:28:12.900', '20130321 13:44:56.490', 18, NULL
COMMIT; RAISERROR (N'[dbo].[Schedule]: Insert Batch: 1.....Done!', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT;