Table of Contents
- Creating a Memorized Transaction
- Editing a Memorized Transaction
- Using a Memorized Transaction
Creating a Memorized Transaction
Editing a Memorized Transaction
Using a Memorized Transaction
- Navigate to the /wiki/spaces/ERP/pages/34112136 screen by clicking on the Accounts Payable tab, then selecting the Voucher Entry menu item.
- Select the appropriate Account Period by clicking on the Acctg. Period field drop down list.
- Choose a Division from the drop down list.
- Locate the correct Vendor for this Voucher by clicking on the Vendor drop down list and selecting the appropriate entry.
- If necessary, change the Invoice Date by either keying in a valid date or selecting a date from the Calendar by clicking on the drop down arrow.
- Enter in the total dollar amount of the Voucher into the Invoice Amount field.
- Specify the values for any other desired field by clicking anywhere within the field and entering an appropriate value.
- Once complete, click on the Save button. The system will save the Voucher and create the first line of the G/L Distribution.
- Under the Memorized Transaction box in the lower right, click on the Select button. The Memorized Transaction Listing will be displayed.
- Using the Filter Criteria and listing, search for a select the desired Memorized Transaction. When selected, click the OKbutton.
- The Voucher’s G/L Distribution will be populated as defined in the selected Memorized Transaction.