Versions Compared


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Through the Live Inventory Transactions button on the ribbon bar, users can manage all animal movements:  Placements, Mortalities, Culls, Transfers In, Transfers Out, and Sales/Live Haul.  All of these transactions have the same functionality within the data grid. 

Keep track of the current number of animals available by referring to the bottom of the forms.

Within the transaction forms, you can also select to add expenses related to the movements.  Additionally, when animals are moved from one place to another, Expense Transfers can be easily done with the click of a button.  Because you configured Expense Transfers in the System Settings, the software knows exactly what to do, and displays the transferred expenses for you to review.

NOTE:  The System will utilize Estimates, until Actual Flock Transactions have been Finalized.

Table of Contents


 In this section, you will manage Bird Placements for each flock.


  • Transaction Info. This field will give the user transaction information and tells the user who placed the flock, the date placed, and the origin of the group.

  • House.  Select the house the group will be placed into.

  • Quantity.  Enter the amount of animals that will be placed into the house.

  • Date.  Select the date that the placement is taking place.

  • Hatch Date. Select the date the flock was hatched on.

  • Sex.  Select whether the flock is Male, Female or Unspecified.

  • Hatchery.  Select the Hatchery the flock originally came from.  Hatcheries are set up in the Plants and Mills Form located in System.

  • Origin.  If the flock originated internally you can select the origin of the group. *** If the flock was not originated internally, you can create a simulated flock for selection. You also have the option to include a reference in the source code section on the placement form. ***

  • Source Code. This is an optional field to enter source information into.

  • Primary Breed.  Select the primary breed of the group being placed.

  • Female Breed.  Select the primary female breed of the group being placed if available.

  • Male Breed.  Select the primary Male breed of the group being placed if available.

  • Comment.  Insert any comments that should go along with this placement.

Finalize Placements


Once all placements have been entered, you will then want to finalize the flock.  The system will stop looking at flock Estimated Placements and only utilize the Actual Placements.  The system will ask if you want to finalize and if yes it will move the flock to Active Status.



 In this section, you will manage and track all mortalities and mortality types for each each group.  While you can add this information on the Batch form or data import, ultimately it will show up here.


  • Placement House.  Select the house you are entering mortality data for.

  • Quantity.  Enter the amount of mortalitys within that house for a certain Mortality Type.

  • Date.  Enter the date the mortality count took place.

  • Sex.  Enter the sex of the group that the mortality occured for.

  • Mortality Type.  Select the Mortality Type that this mortality record is for.  The mortality Type specifies the reason that animal died.  Mortality Types can be set up in the System Types Tab within Settings Settings.

  • Comment.  Insert any additional comments for the record.



 In this section, you will manage and track all culls for each group.  While you can add this information on the Batch form or data import, ultimately it will show up here.

  • Placement House.  Select the house you are entering cull data for.

  • Quantity.  Enter the amount of culls within that house for a certain Cull Type.

  • Date.  Enter the date the cull count took place.

  • Sex.  Enter the sex of the group that the culls occured for.

  • Cull Type.  Select the Cull Type that this cull record is for. The Cull Type specifies the reason the animal was disposed. Cull Types can be set up in the System Types Tab within Settings Settings.

  • Primary Breed.  Select the primary breed of the group.

  • Female Breed.  Select the primary female breed of the group if available.

  • Male Breed.  Select the primary male breed of the group if available.

  • Comment.  Insert any additional comments for the record.


Transfer In

In this section, you will manage all animals that are transferred in from an outside source or you can view where flocks were relocated to.

  • Transaction Info.  This feild will give the user transaction information and tells the user who placed the flock, the date placed, and the origin of the group.

  • House.  Select the house the group will be transferring to.

  • Quantity.  Enter the amount of animals that will be placed into the house.

  • Date.  Select the date that the transaction is taking place.

  • Hatch Date.  Select the date the flock was hatched on.  A weighted average for the Hatch Date can be calculated for all placements and transfers in by going to the hatch date configuration in System Settings.

  • Sex.  Select whether the flock is Male, Female or Unspecified.

  • Primary Breed.  Select the primary breed of the group.

  • Female Breed. Select the primary female breed of the group if available.

  • Male Breed. Select the primary male breed of the group if available.

  • Comment. Insert any additional comments for the record.


Transfer Out

In this section, you will manage all animals that are transferred out.  Moving birds from one house to another, usually Pullet to Layer, Layer to Layer, Brood to Grow etc.  You can transfer animals as a new placement (pullet to Layer), relocate animals between houses or transfer them to an outside location. 


NOTE: The farm will be listed in the transfer forms dropdown only if a flock has been created for that specific farm.


  • Placement House. Select the house the group is transferring from.

  • Quantity. Enter the amount of animals that will be placed into the house.

  • Date. Select the date that the transaction is taking place.

  • Transfer Type. Select the transfer type.

    • Placement. Select placement if the animals are being transferred as a new placement. ex pullets to layers.  If a placement transfer type is created a placement will be created on the destination flock automatically linking those together.  

    • Relocation. Select Relocation if you are relocating animals between houses.  If a Relocation Transfer type is selected, a record on the transfer in tab will be created automatically on the destination flock.

    • Transfer Out.  Select Transfer Out if you are transferring the animals to an outside location.

  • Hatch Date.  Select the date the flock was hatched on.  A weighted average for the Hatch Date can be calculated for placements by going to the hatch date configuration in System Settings.

  • Sex.  Select whether the flock is Male, Female or Unspecified.

  • Primary Breed.  Select the primary breed of the group.

  • Female Breed. Select the primary female breed of the group if available.

  • Male Breed.  Select the primary male breed of the group if available.

  • Transfer Destination. If you select Placement or Relocation from the Transfer Type you must select the destination the animals are going to.  Here you will select what destination group it will be transfering to.

  • Destination House. This is the house that the animals are to be transferred to.  This is only required for the Placement and Relocation Transfer Types.

  • Transfer Expenses. Select the checkbox to transfer the expenses along with the group to the destination house.

  • Transfer Effective.  The date the transfer takes place will appear here.

  • Transfer Cap. 

  • Comment.  Insert any additional comments for the record.



Transfer Outs


Once all Transfer Out's have been entered, you will then want to finalize the flock.  This will set the flocks status to Settlement and remove them from their Active Status.  If expenses have been applied to the flock and if there are any birds remaining at end count, finalizing will take the pooled amount of expenses for those remaining birds and redistribute to the birds transferred out.

If you use the Flock Settlement process this will ready the flocks to be apart of that weeks Settlement batch.

Depopulation or Sales/Live Haul

In this section, you will manage all animal depopulations/Sales/Live Hauls for each group.


  • Placement House.  Select the house the group will be depopulated or sold from.

  • Quantity.  Enter the amount of animals that will be depopulated or sold from the house.

  • Date.  Select the date that the transaction is taking place.

  • Sex. Select whether the group is Male, Female or Unspecified.

  • Gross weight.  The full truck's scale weight.


  • Tare weight.  Entry of the empty truck's scale weight allowing for the net weight to be derived from the subtraction of the tare pounds from the gross pounds.


  • Average weight


  • Net weight.  The total weight of the load in the truck.

  • Primary Breed.  Select the primary breed of the group.

  • Female Breed.  Select the primary female breed of the group if available.

  • Male Breed.  Select the primary male breed of the group if available.

  • Rendering Plant.  Select the rendering plant the group will be sent to.

  • Kill Schedule.  Select an estimated kill schedule this depopulation occurs with.

  • Ticket No. Enter the depopulation ticket Number.  This field is user defined.

  • Start Load.  The start date and time that the load took place.

  • Finish Load.  The end date and time that the load took place.

  • Time-Off Feed.  The date and time the animals went off of feed.

  • Dead on Farm.  The amount of animals that were dead on the farm during the load.

  • Compartments.  The amount of compartments on the truck.

  • Full Compartments.  The amount of birds to fill a compartment.

  • Crew.  Persons or group/company who picked up the animals at the farm.

  • Hauler.  The person or company that transported or trucked the birds to the processing or rendering plant.

  • Weighed By.  Enter the name of the person that weighed the animals for the load.

  • Buyer.  You can enter the name of the buyer of the depopulated animals.  This is an optional field.

  • Weather Code.  Select a weather code from the drop down.  This is a list of the types of weather your business encounters.  This is a system type and can be set up in System Settings.

  • Plant Ticket No.  The processing or rendering plants assigned ticket number for the load.

  • Arrival Date.  The arrival date of the animals to the processing or rendering plant.

  • Plant Gross lbs. 

  • Plant Tare lbs. 

  • Plant Net lbs. 

  • Run Start.  The start date and time of processing or rendering the animals.

  • Run Finish.  The finish date and time of processing or rendering the animals.

  • Head Processed.  The amount of animals processed or rendered.

  • Dead on Arrival.  The amount of animals that were dead when the load arrived at the plant.

  • Yard Dog ID.  The ID of the truck used to haul the birds within the plant.

  • Shift.  Enter the shift that these birds were depopulated on.  Shifts can be set up in the Plants and Mills form under the Operation Schedule tab and adding a new Plant Capacity, then setting shifts on the Shift column.

  • Pickup Comment.  Any additional comments from the load pickup.

  • Plant Comment.  Any additional comments from the processing plant.

Finalize Depopulations


Once all depopulation's have been entered, you will then want to finalize the flock.  This will set the flocks status to Settlement and remove them from their Active Status.  If you use the Flock Settlement process this will ready the flocks to be apart of that weeks Settlement batch.

Undo Finalizations

Finalizations to Actual Transactions can be made by going to the flock form and un-checking the checkbox under Status of Estimates


Aeros LIVE User Manual