This article documents how to configure your bank accounts to allow ACH transactions.
Step-by-Step Guide
- Navigate to the Bank Account Master (Master Table -> Miscellaneous -> Bank Accounts).
- Locate the Bank in which you wish to enable ACH payments. Once located, click on the ACH Settings tab.
Using the information obtained from your Bank, populate the necessary File Header & Batch Header fields. (This is a sample used by Wells Fargo for demonstration purposes)
20Field Example Description Destination #: 091000019 (preceded with a space) Implementation Guide, Page 20 This is usually Banks Routing number Destination Name: WELLS FARGO Implementation Guide, Page 20 Origin Number: 1Tax ID # (also known as the File ID, 1 followed by your Tax ID) Implementation Guide, Page 11, 20 Origin Name: CULTURA EGGS (account name as registered with the Bank) Implementation Guide, Page 20 Company Name: CULTURA EGGS (or, the text you wish to appear on the receivers bank statement) Implementation Guide, Page 12 & 16 Entry Description: AP PAYMENT (or, additional description of the ACH transaction reason) Implementation Guide, Page 16 Alternate ID: (Company Discretionary Data, optional / used to assist in identifying your company. Implementation Guide, Page 21 Using the information obtained from your Bank, populate the necessary File Settings:
Field Example Description Security: Security: $$ADD ID=DMGYUSF6 BID='NWFACH12345678' Customer Customer Checklist, Page 2 File File Name: ACHACH_[bankcode]_[yy][mm][dd]_[batchno]_[filemodifier]. txt txt Implementation Guide, Page 17File Location: C17 Check with your bank to see if they want a specific file name for submittal. File Location: C:\ACH\ (or the desired location where you wish to save the file) - File Date: Check Date Descriptive Date: Check Date
Needs to be accessible by application. Select ellipsis to ensure file path location is valid. File Date: Check Date Descriptive Date: Check Date (or Run Date depending on desired date on receivers bank statement) Implementation Guide, Page 16 Carriage Carriage Returns: Checked Implementation Checked Implementation Guide, Page 17Pad 17 This will put on different lines in file. Pad File (10 Blocks) Checked Checked (will 10 block the file, appears optional by Wells Fargo) Addenda Addenda Records: Checked Checked (option to include Invoice details on CCD/CTX payments) Implementation Guide, Page 10 Balanced Balanced File: Not Checked Checked (will make debits = credits) Implementation Guide, Page 12 - Click the Save button to commit the changes to the database.