Integration Partner: Ovotrack
Available in Aeros CONNECT version 1.0+
Full documentation and samples are located in the Aeros CONNECT User Manual:
If you would like to be upgraded to this version of Aeros CONNECT or would like to receive training on this process, please contact the Support Department at Rcm.CustomerSupport@culturatech.com or 909.980.533809.09+
Ovotrack develops and implements traceability solutions at egg processing centers offering full traceability, labeling and stock control of eggs and egg packaging material. For more info on Ovotrack specifically you can visit: https://ovotrack.com
The integration with Ovotrack supports two major processes: the Sales Order process and the Purchase Order process.
Sales Orders and all supporting data (customers, items..) are sent to Ovotrack in the warehouse for fulfillment and Purchase Orders and supporting data are sent to Ovotrack for receiving of packaging, egg products or nest runs.
Aeros is excited to partner with another Egg Industry focused vendor and look forward to that partnership furthering our mission to help you feed the world.
If you are interested in partnering with Ovotrack, please contact Sales rcm.sales@culturatech.com for more information.