The system will only recalculate new information when a transfer occurs from the pullet to layer flock. Once an upcoming transfer is saved, depopulation sales records will be generated. Please ensure that the transfers are properly set up for depopulation to be reflected this this section. In the configuration form, you select your division and define the types of tasks to be performed during the Downtime. Specify the following details: Task Name, Day of Downtime for the task, Industry Type, Day of the Week, and whether you want to Round Up or Down. Once you’ve entered this information, remember to save your changes before closing the form. Next, in the scheduler, click the “Forecast” button and select “Load”. Under the “Depopulation/Sales” Tab, you will see any scheduled transfers to the specified house. Clicking on the Downtime (click Load) tab will also take the depopulation/sales records that are available and create the downtime events.
Emailing Notifications
Set up Configure notifications to send automatically deliver scheduled tasks for your upcoming events on a daily or weekly basis.