Versions Compared


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AEROS ERP set up for General Ledger accounts will need to be done for the Inventory Type and the Adjustment Codes used to transfer and relieve inventory.


Navigate to Master è Inventory è Inventory --> Inventory --> Inventory Type and select Inventory Type code 20 for Water Meds.  At the bottom right are the G/L Account Assignment options to be filled as shown below.


To set up additional inventory locations, go to Master à Payables à Vendor--> Payables --> Vendor

Find “CIRCLE ‘S’ RANCH INC” select ok.  Go to the Inventory Location tab.  Here you can add additional Inventory Locations.


Add Warehouse bins to an inventory location

Go to Master à Inventory à Warehouse --> Inventory --> Warehouse Bin

Select the location you want to add bins to, and then select the tab, “Warehouse Bins”


In this document we will show an example for farm G010300


Navigate to Master è Inventory è Adjustment --> Inventory --> Adjustment codes


Set up adjustment codes for usage and include the correct GL account the inventory adjustment should hit. 


Farm Navigation:  Facility Management è Company --> Company Circle S Farms è Division --> Division Circle S Farms è Farm --> Farm G010300



Expense code

We will need a farm and an expense code in AEROS LIVE

Expense Code Navigation:  System è Expense Settings è Expense --> Expense Settings --> Expense Codes



Components in Aeros Live

We will also need to set up components in Aeros Live, this will be all the items that are set up under your ERP inventory type ‘WATERMEDS’

Go to System à Components --> Components (located on ribbon bar)

To set up a new item:


  1. Default Unit Type:  Select a default unit type
  2. Default Expense Code: Enter your water Meds Medication or disinfectant expense code


Note:  The unit cost can be modified in the unit cost box even though it looks greyed grayed out.

Based on your configurations the Lot can be left blank or automatically assigned by the software. Additional the Unit Cost can also be defaulted if Vendor Pricing is configured.



Direct Receipt


Inventory à Receipts à Direct --> Receipts --> Direct Receipt

Select New

Select or enter Accounting Period, Receipt Location, Receiver Date, and Inventory Receipt Date.


Once the inventory is in the warehouse, we need to move it to the trucks weekly through weekly inventory transfers.  These are all done within the same division so it is merely a matter of updating the inventory location.  In this example we will move some of the items to a truck, keep some in the warehouse, and do a relief of inventory from both places to see how it looks.  Circle S sometimes bypasses the medication trucks and dispenses directly to the flocks.

Go to inventory  à inventory  --> transfer inventory. 

Enter in the company, division, location and inventory type and click retrieve to return available inventory.


Inventory Usage


Go to Inventory à Inventory --> Inventory Usage Adjustment

Select Inventory Type, Post to Period Accounting period and as of date (needs to be inside of accounting period)


Go to Aeros Connect

Navigate to Inventory è Inventory --> Inventory Adjustment to AeLive à New --> New Batch and a wizard will open


Once committed, the ones that went through will be greyed grayed out and the committed check box will be checked.


If I go to the flock I wanted to get the expense from inventory, I wll will view that flocks expense form and see that those went through using the expense code, the component code, the cost and units.  I can also see in the create Type that it was imported from inventory and the G/L account.
