Set Unit of Measure, Pack Quantity, and Pack UOM
Save the item
Mapping Ingredients to Aeros ERP
Map Ingredients from what the code is in the formula file to what the code is in Aeros Ingredient item master.
In Connect go to Settings --> Generic Mappings
Description: Include a description for the row (Ingredient Name)
Source Value: What is the source value? Source is the Brill File Ingredient Code in this instance
Target Value: What is the Target value? Target is ERP item code for the ingredient in this instance
Add New Formulas
When in Feed Production, you may get an error that says Work Order Formula code XXXX was not found in ERP, No effective formula found. That means it needs to be added to ERP.
This will become the template CONNECT uses to create new effective dates when the nutritionist file is inserted.
Map formula codes
Map formula codes from what the code is in FMS data to what the formula code is in Aeros ERP
In Connect go to Settings --> Generic Mappings
Aeros LIVE Formula Management