3. Select Feed Delivery Import from CMC
4. Key a code and description
- 2. Then I open that folder, and create another one named “PROCESSED” within that CMCFEED folder (you can put it wherever you want, this is just what I do.)
b. Navigate Back to AeLive and we will select these folders
- For the first “Source Folder”, click Find, Click Desktop, Click CMC Feed, Click OK
d. For the next, folder “Processed Files”, click Find, Click Desktop, Click CMCFEED, Click PROCESSED, Click OK
e. There is a checkbox “Overwrite duplicate records when a batch is run”. If you click this checkbox, you can reimport records over and over to collect updates and overwrite existing records.
1. Go to the Import History Tab within your Feed Data Import after it has processed.
2. Here you can find if your data import has run successfully. It serves as a record of the batch showing errors or warnings associated with the import.
3. If you double click on a row, you will be able to view what type of errors you are receiving for your import.
4. You can then navigate the system to fix the errors you are getting.
5. The buttons on the side of this form:
View This Batch. View further information about a selected batch, such as imported records, updated records and errors.
Process This Batch. Roll-back and re-process the selected batch. If the file remains in the import directory.
Delete Selected Batch. Delete the selected batch and any imported records.
Remove Batch. Once you have confirmed a batch, you can remove it from the list to prevent it from ever being deleted or reprocessed.