Service Persons are those people generally responsible for taking care of the animals and tracking progress. They can Personnel can be added to the software and affiliated with your Farms and Flocks. Service Persons Personnel can be added, edited, and deleted based on user permission. Affiliations may be viewed through the allocation tab, but Personnel are assigned at the Farm Level.
- Code: Create a code that corresponds to the service person. This code must be unique.
- First Name: The service persons first name.
- Middle Name: The service persons middle name or initial.
- Last Name: The service persons last name.
- Status: Whether the service person is currently active or inactive. This field will default to the system default of active.
- Relations: Sets the Company/Divisions and the Industry Types the service persons are associated with.
Animal Service Manager:
Service Persons Generally responsible for taking care of the animals and tracking progress.
Moving Crew: Placement:
Moving Crew: Depopulation:
The user can also add comments about the service person. To add a new comment, the user will enter their comments in thethe Comments text box and click the Save button.The grid will display a history of comments made. The user that added the comment and the date created or modified will be recorded.
The user can view what service persons are allocated to which Farms.