- To create a new configuration, users must enter Division, Customer, and Location.
- All parameters are optional for searching
Select a Division and hit RetrieveVendor Managed Inventory Configuration Search form.
This form is used both a search form and the starting point for creating new configuration records
- To create a new configuration, users must enter division, customer, and location
- All parameters are optional for searching
Header Fields
To create a new configuration, users select a division, a customer, and a location for the selected customer. This is done through the VMI Configuration Search form.
Users enter this customer, division, and location in the configuration search form, then select New. This will open the configuration form itself.
Once in the form, users can enter start and end dates. These are optional fields, but the pair must be unique for the division/customer/location. That is, there are can be multiple records with the same start date as well as with the end date, but a specific start and end date must be unique for division/customer/location. This includes null values.
Detail Fields
Once a new configuration is requested, the VMI process will attempt to find a customer order template that matches the criteria. If a template is found, the the process will load its list of items to the configuration detail.
This is the only way to populate this form. If no template was found, the configuration will have no detail lines and will effectively be unusable.
The Update From Template button enables users to refresh the configuration if the templates have changed or a new template created.
- Line number - Sort order from referenced customer order template
- Item - Item code for the selected item
- Item Description - Item description for the selected item
- Inventory Type - Inventory type for the selected item
- Unit of Measure - The unit of measure value for the selected item
- Pack - The equivalent number of single eggs for the specified one unit of the target quantity.
- Factor - Order quantities are calculated in multiples of the factor. If an item requires 14 and the factor is 3, the order can deliver 12 with a overflow of two
- Mix - Indicates whether overflows for an item can be combined with overflows for other items to compose shippable packages the size of a factor.
- Target - The threshold under which the create order process will attempt to generate an order.
For the Pack to show up correctly, the two highlighted fields from System Settings need to be configured.
VMI Import Form
Prescient sends a CSV file via FTP containing sales units for different products and stores. This process loads the file and updates the vendor managed inventory to reflect the sales