- Line number - Sort order from referenced customer order template
- Item - Item code for the selected item
- Item Description - Item description for the selected item
- Inventory Type - Inventory type for the selected item
- Unit of Measure - The unit of measure value for the selected item
- Pack Singles - The equivalent number of single eggs for the specified one unit of the target quantity.
- Factor - Order quantities are calculated in multiples of the factor. If an item requires 14 and the factor is 3, the order can deliver 12 with a overflow of two
- Mix - Indicates whether overflows for an item can be combined with overflows for other items to compose shippable packages the size of a factor.
- Target - The threshold under which the create order process will attempt to generate an order.
Navigate to Master > Administration > System Settings > Customer Order
VMI Import Form
The third party company Prescient sends a CSV file via FTP containing sales units for different products and stores. This process loads the file and updates the vendor managed inventory to reflect the sales
Customer Sales Import
The third party company Prescient collects egg point of sales data from customer stores. It aggregates these data and generates a CSV file, which is then sent via FTP to a location accessible by Aeros ERP. Users select the file
Users must select a division before selecting a CSV file to process. All records will be created for this division
The CSV has only Only four fields from the CSV that are used to update the vendor inventory:
- Supplier Store ID = Customer, Customer Location
- Item Number = Item Code
Business Day = Transaction Date
Units = Units
Supplier store ID must map to both the customer and the customer location. That is, customer and its location must be the same for this process to work.