- Select Day of Week - Specify which day of week you would like to create the orders - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc...
- Order Date, Ship Date & Delivery Date will default to Day of Week date.
- Select a Division.
- Select Routes.
- Select Super Customers.
- Select Customers.
- Select Locations.
- Select Statuses - When create new orders, set the order status to Open or Hold.
- Select Template Include Status (Order Template) - include templates with the Default Template checkbox Checked, Unchecked or All.
- Select checkbox Generate New Order When Order Exists for Order Date - If order is already existed for the same order date - create new order or skip it.
- Save Parameters - You can save the Parameters for future use and set it to private or public.
- Click on Run, the system will create the bulk orders and store them in the EDI staging tables.