1099 Forms
When your 1099 report is all in balance. You can run your 1099 forms.
Navigate to Payables > Reports > 1099 Forms.
- Select 1099 Type - Div, Int or Misc.
- Select Forms that you want to print by check or un-check the boxes. You can print all forms or just the forms that you need.
. Copy A = Internal Revenue Service Center.
. Copy B = Recipient.
. Copy C = Payer.
. Copy 1 = State Tax Department.
. Copy 2 = To be filed with recipient's state income tax return, when required. - Select the company that you want to process 1099 forms.
- Fill in the name of the contact peron in case there is any issues or questions for the 1099 forms.
- Fill in the contact person's phone number.
- Fill in the contact person's email address.
- A valid Federal Identification Number is required.
- You don't have to have a State Identification Number to run the 1099 forms.
- Check on the Bypass $600.00 Minimum if you want to include vouchers that are less then $600.00.
- Select the Start Pay Date and End Pay Date
- Click on the Show Report.
- if everything is correct, you can print these forms. These forms can be printed as many time as you need.
1099 Electronic Files