Use the Voucher Key-Off function to pay a voucher with another voucher or with a G/L distribution..
- Vouchers - with approved status
- Access the Payables module.
- Click Voucher Key-Offs.
- Click New button.
- Use the Filter Criteria section to select a division, accounting period and vendor.
The voucher invoices for the vendor selected will display in the left panel titled "Voucher Keyoff". - Select the Voucher(s) you wish to key off (pay).
Highlight a voucher(s), Click and hold left mouse button on voucher(s) and drag
to the right panel then release left mouse button. - Optional: Select a Payment Type and/or enter a Description.
- Click Save.
- Click Print.
- Confirm that the Print Payment Batch screen data is correct.
- Optional: Click Print Setup... to check / change your printer configuration.
- Click OK.
- Select Yes, Partially, or None to confirm check printing.
- Optional: If Yes was selected, the system will ask to print an office copy. Click OK.
- Optional: If Yes was selected, the system will ask to print a Check Register. Click OK.
- Click Close.