This will bring up the following form, where you can change the record dates, the hatchery the placement will come from, and enter in a new quantity or percent of quantity. Entering a quantity will change the quantity from the original scheduled placement. Select Split to then create a new placement record on the calendar.
You can access the Forecast and click on “Load” to see the newly added record.
Calculate and Schedule/Manage Projected Placements
While scheduling placements is selected as a visible type, we will see a new button at the bottom of the screen to "Forecast". This action cannot be performed under “Company”, you must first select a “Division. ”.
Clicking this button opens a new form designed for viewing scheduled placements in list view. We can recalculate and edit them all from here.
Save: Saves any changes we make to the grid. Recalculated results and newly generated placements are not committed until we click this! After you click “Save”, a record will be generated in the calendar, and a corresponding record for the flock will also be created in Estimated Placements.
Recalculate: Clicking this will update all placement dates and cycle days and generate new placements between the after and until dates.
Delete: Delete the selected placement. If a record is deleted in this section, it will also be removed from both the calendar and “Estimated Placements”.
Close: Closes the form.
Calculate After: Any schedule records with placement dates will not be recalculated. This is a helpful setting as the date of actual placement approaches. We will not need to lock down all records with the "Do Not Recalculate" setting, we just set the date that we know we do not want to recalculate before and they will remain unchanged.
Calculate Until: Any and all existing records will be recalculated unless they are marked not to in, “Do Not Recalculate”. When those have all been updated, we will generate new ones until this date.
Schedule At This Level: Specifies whether we will create placements for farms or houses. Layers typically schedule at the House level, as there is usually one flock assigned to each house. In contrast, broiler and turkey farms generally schedule at the Farm level since they typically have one flock per farm that is distributed across multiple houses.
Remember to save any manual changes before recalculating!